Sunday: At a Glance

Preview the current series and any other deets

*Reminder: We have two services for the foreseeable future. 9am (not children's ministry) and 10:30am (with children's ministry).

Note: Jesus been talkin' to Adam! Our deep-dive into Exodus is still paused as the Holy Spirit continues to reveal timely things to Adam for us at Celebration. We'll get back to Exodus... some time. (After all, God sure loves showing us how HIS plans are so much better than ours!).

For now, we are currently diving into HEALTHY LIVING and what it means to be truly fulfilled and how to discern Spiritual Nourishment vs Spiritual Junk Food, so that we may live whole, Godly, fulfilled lives in a way that honors God and celebrates all He has given us as we do His work for His glory and our good.

About the [Exodus] Series: He wants our willingness, not our effectiveness.

The Exodus is more than just about Moses leading the slaves out of Egypt; it's about how God liberates His people from slavery, and how we, even today, can find ourselves enslaved to the various things and mindsets of today's modern world. Join us as Adam digs deep into the Book of Exodus ,and explore what it means to be set free from slavery, how to trust and obey when He calls us to a task, and the freedom and deliverance we experience from our obedience. Amen!

Ready to worship?

Get your jam on early, and let's rock it out to our Lord this Sunday. See you soon!

*setlist subject to change

*At-a-Glance updated every Wednesday/Thursday